



控 制 系 统

Control System


KESHU Company researches and develops the own products on the base of intelligent internet ofthings to save the cost of man work on operation and maintenance, reduce the errors and failureof the products, reduce the storage of components and optimize and real work situation

运行状态实时了解eal-time Acknowledge of Funning Siate


All products of KESHU Company have been designed with variouchoices of sensor technologies, to realize real-time collectionrecoeding and tran!imission of equipeent parameters, to solve thold problems of data callection, for real-time acknowledge orunning stale of the equiprnent


Easy Realization of inte:lligent ineenet of Things


By the extensible internet gateway and the intelligent rplatform $ystem provided, the customers can realize the mding.warning and intelligent optimization of the equiprents byfive-level [equipment,sensor,transmission, monitoring and decision)intelligent service

故障判断及预警Failure Judcrnent and Vyarnina


Besides mobile phone, iPAD and websile on computer. the eguipment failure can be noted by message or SOS software, for remotmonitoring of the manage

设备系统优化ptimization of Ecuioment Svsiec


The functions sueh as dala slatistics analvsis andtrend graph feed back the characteristics of the equipment operation periodically. help design the best run.ning mode in accordance of the customer reguirementto save energy and reduce the energy consumption

数据传输稳定性 安全性 可靠性Stability, Safety and Reliability of Data Transmission


The in-time storege of operation data avoids the lossof data in error cr failure caused by interruption ofpower supply. All data will be encoded before trans.mission to central integrated system (private cloud)lo ensure the safety of the customer information.